# GSG2025 Traveling Info, Weather
The conference will be held on the edge of Pasohlávky village. The road distance to Václav Havel Prague Airport is 260 km and 115 km to Vienna Schwechat International Airport. There will be the possibility to use the Conference shuttle bus from Vienna Schwechat International Airport, with a meeting time of 17:30 on the 27th of January 2025.
See details for the meeting point HERE.
The conference location can also be reached by TRAIN and BUS. The nearest International Railway Station is in Brno (49.1906 N, 16.6128 E). Afterwards, you need to walk (800 m) to bus station Brno-Zvonařka (49.1859 N, 16.669 E), where bus No. 105 (bus stop No. 35) from Brno-Zvoanka station (destination: Mikulov) goes directly to the conference site (bus stop: Pasohlávky-rozc. Ivaň, 48.9184 N, 46.5562). Departure from Brno-Zvonařka: 16:35, 17:35, 18:35, 19:55, 21:00. Arrival to stop Pasohlávky-rozc. Ivaň (only petrol station with small coffee bar): 17:17, 18:17, 19:17, 20:35, 21:40. There will be a conference car to pick you up at the hotel at these times.
By CAR. You can arrive from Vienna or from Brno (Road No. 52 / E461). Hotel Termal is situated on the North shoreline of Upper Lake of Nové Mlýny Water reservoirs (48.9043 N, 16.5790 E). The road distance from Brno is 34 km, and the road distance from the Czech/Austrian border is 15 km.
There is a weather forecast for conference days:
Daily temperature: 7 to 11 degrees C.
Nigh temperature: -2 to 0 degrees C.
Daily precipitation: 0 to 1 mm.